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Ireland Mistaken Identity Tour

You Are Made For More!

Join us for a series of events across Ireland where we’ll show how your past doesn't define your future. Get your tickets now and breakthrough!


Sept 18th & 22nd, 2024.


Tralee, Waterford & Dublin

  • how to let go of your past

  • change your mindset

ensuring you don’t miss out on the opportunities life has to offerreer stalls and you feel like a failure

Make no mistake, you’re worth way more than you think. Don't let your past keep you from the success and happiness you deserve.

Even if you’re doing everything else right, if you don’t address your past, it will continue to undermine your confidence and hold you back

It’s a fact—those who confront their past and reshape their thinking thrive in life. In this live event, you'll learn:

✔ Release The Past

✔ Restore Your Confidence

✔ Reconnect With The Life You Were Meant For.

Break the generational cycle for parents

By breaking patterns of negative behavior or trauma that may have been passed down from previous generations, you can help your family thrive. Don't let the past define your family's future. Take control and start building a brighter tomorrow for your loved ones today.

Help young people take the path less traveled

My vision is to empower each and every young person to confidently chart their own course, discover their passions and reach their full potential. 

Change the message of self-help industry influencers

Changing the message of self-help industry influencers can help to promote a more inclusive, accurate and ethical message that encourages individuals to understand themselves better, set realistic goals and achieve them in a healthy and sustainable way. 

Buy Your Tickets


September 18th, 10 am - 12 pm



September 18th, 7 pm- 9 pm



September 22nd, 2 pm - 6 pm


Your Ticket Is Going Towards A Good Cause.

Help Pieta provide free, lifesaving services to those in crisis across Ireland with 100% of ticket proceeds going to Pieta. Join us—your support means hope for those who need it most.

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Are you struggling to find meaning, purpose, and self-acceptance?

 A Shift In Identity Awaits!
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Buy Your Ticket(s) and support a great cause.

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Discover a simple cure to end your struggles and direct your thinking.

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Reconnect with the life you are meant for.

About Doug Dane

Doug knows how it feels to be held back by your your past.

Today, Doug Dane is an international leadership expert and the best-selling author of Mistaken Identity. He is dedicated to helping people overcome their past, break the cycle of generational self-sabotage, and find the peace and confidence they deserve.

Doug uses his book and programs to gives practical tools that are tried and tested, to help individuals transform their lives and break free from the patterns that have been holding them back. 

Traditional mental health care and self-help often fails to address the immediate and practical needs of individuals dealing with real-world struggles.

My mission is to empower individuals who have been impacted by abuse or trauma to break free from the emotional prison and mental health constraints that hold them back. I strive to provide them with the tools and guidance to rewrite their story, overcome their past, and live a truly fulfilling life. As an advocate for survivors, my goal is to help them let go of their past traumas and move forward as a victor, rather than a victim.

See What People Are Saying
About Doug and His Book.

We're committed to helping people overcome their past, break the cycle of generational self-sabotage, and reclaim the life they were meant to live.


  • Yes, VIP ticket holders get early access to event and preferred seating.

  • Yes, rather than buying a ticket, donate directly to Pieta House so you help more people that need it.

    Donate Today!

  • Yes, and if there is time you can get your copy signed by Doug.


Success Awaits Those Who Let Go of Their Past

Failure remains if you avoid taking action, repeating the same mistakes, and stuck on the endless wheel of failure and frustration.

Get More Out Of Life

Break Generational Patterns

Break the destructive patterns that prevent you from living life on your terms.

Rediscover your Potential

Don’t let the past hold you back, let the future guide you forward.

Rewire your brain for confidence.

Radically change your mindset and tap into your hidden power.

Harness incredible momentum for the future.

Discover how you can continue to push the boundaries of success in every area of life.

Let go of your past, or life will pass you by.

You don’t have to stay stuck. We’re on a mission to help people let go of their past, break the cycle of self-sabotage, and live the life they were meant to live—one that’s free from shame and guilt, full of confidence, and truly thriving.

Join Doug Dane at the Ireland Mistaken Identity tour and see how you can change your future. Don't let your past hold you back. There is a cure to end your struggles and change your life. You were made for more!

You're made for more but you’re stuck?

Take 5 minutes to answer 3 questions that identify the hidden barriers from your past—and how to overcome them.

Download this PDF to learn more about why your stuck and how it's not your fault. 

Who Benefits The Most 
From This Work?

The People with Big Plans for Someday.

You know you're made for more, but life keeps getting in the way. Procrastination and self-doubt hold you back and the fear of failure keeps you stuck. You want to make your move but the past is holding you back, and you second-guess every step. It’s frustrating knowing you have the potential, but you remain stuck. 

This event will help you let go of the doubts and excuses, reclaim your confidence, and start living the life you were  meant for—today, not tomorrow.

The Entrepreneur Who Doesn't Get a Break.

You’re driven, ambitious, and committed to your business, but sometimes it feels like your business is running you into the ground. Your past successes might have gotten you here, but old habits and fears keep you from going to the next level. You’re stuck in a cycle of overwork and self-doubt, questioning whether you have what it takes to break free. This event is your chance to let go of the past, reset your mindset, and take back control—not just your business, but your life.

Wellness Experts Could Use a Little Wellness Themselves.

You’re passionate about helping others heal, but deep down, you know you’re neglecting your needs. The stress of your past experiences and the pressure to be perfect cause you to doubt your ability to make a real impact. You’re stuck in a loop of giving and giving, without feeling fulfilled or refreshed yourself. This event will help you let go of what’s holding you back, recharge your spirit, and renew your belief that you can make a difference. This event will help you let go of the past and show your clients how.

All Proceeds From Ticket Sales Will Be Donated To Pieta.

This will help support our mission to help people let go of their past, break the cycle of self-sabotage, and live the life they were meant to live—one that’s free from shame and guilt, full of confidence, and truly thriving.

© 2024 by Doug Dane. 

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